Posted by Princess MoMo on Aug 4 in Customer Service

T-Mobile Asshole: Our engineers say that coverage in your area is limited because of the terrain, buildings and foliage.

Me: So are you suggesting I move to an open field?

T-Mobile Asshole: That would definitely help to increase the signal strength.

Me: Does that seem like a reasonable solution to you? I should move to another house and apply for another job because T-Mobile doesn't provide service in my area? It's not like I'm bitching about not having service in the Serengeti. I live in NJ. We have trees and buildings here. Should I leave the state just so that my phone can work?!


Another notable comment from T-Mobile Customer Loyalty Rep: It says in our terms and conditions that we do not guarantee service.

Me: Then WTF am I paying for?!

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