Dating: Too many toothpastes

Posted by Princess MoMo on Aug 19 in Dating, Dating Advice, Dentist, Epic fails, Men, Miscellaneous

It’s 7 a.m. (Ok, it’s really 7:14 a.m. because it took you 14 minutes to get out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for work.) So, it’s 7:14 a.m. You rub the sleep out of your eyes while reaching for your pink toothbrush.   The oral kingdom needs to be cleaned! To your disappointment, […]

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Mr. Percocet

Posted by Princess MoMo on Feb 17 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, Dating, Dentist

Once upon a time, my oral kingdom was encumbered by metal facets wired together, commonly known as braces. That time was long ago and it was for but a short duration. After being freed from the metal binding them, the pearly white residents of my oral kingdom were in blissful alignment. I kept them in […]


Oral Kingdom Cleaning

Posted by Princess MoMo on Feb 4 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, Dentist

In order to fully grasp the terminology in this post, you must familiarize yourself with the first in the series of Princess MoMo’s Dentist Adventures. ——————————————————————————————————————————————- My six month oral kingdom cleaning was scheduled for November 2011.  A series of events postponed this appointment.  First,  the dentist’s automated appointment confirmation system did not contact me in November. […]

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Adventures at the Dentist: An intruder trespasses upon the oral kingdom

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 20 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, Dentist

In order to fully grasp the terminology in this post, you must familiarize yourself with the first in the series of Princess MoMo’s Dentist Adventures. Every six months, I grant permission to a certain individual and his minions to enter into my oral kingdom for purposes of cleaning the peasants and their homes.  I store […]

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Adventures at the Dentist

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 19 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, Dentist

Background: In March of 2010, there was an uprising in my mouth. The culprit: A rebellious wisdom tooth. The solution: The uprising was quelled through the removal of wisdom in tooth form. After that visit to the dentist, I friended said dentist on facebook (because at the time, I thought I was attracted to him […]

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