Lions and Lions and Apes….Oh My!

Posted by Princess MoMo on Aug 25 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, Dating, Men, Online dating

On August 14, 2011, a call from a specimen came through on my device.  I met this specimen through my online dating escapades last year.  Our first date was on Sunday, June 20, 2010.  We met for dinner.  Conversation wasn’t particularly riveting, but I attributed that to us being exhausted from the weekend shenanigans .  He had just returned from the shore and I had spent the weekend in Hoboken.  We mostly conversed about lions.  Yes, lions.  He is fascinated by them.  Fortunately, I had watched couple of animal planet specials and had read my fair share about them, so I was able to contribute to this discussion.  Shortly thereafter, my ex and I became exclusive.


Once the ex and I broke up, I was ready to immediately rebound.  Conveniently, the day after the break up (February 23) was this specimen’s birthday.   So I called him.  Having been in a relationship for several months, I no longer had a supply of bros in different area codes.  So, I had to resort to the last guy I went out with before the ex.  Plus, this specimen is HOT!  When he answered the phone, I wished him a happy birthday and then said, “Guess what?”  He said, “You’re single?” I replied, “Yup. Great birthday present, right?”   He responded, “I don’t want to sound too over anxious, but do you want to go out this weekend?”  I, of course, said yes.  The phone call had gone exactly as planned.  Success!


Again, we met for dinner.  And again, we discussed lions.  Yes, lions.  I didn’t hear from him again for about three weeks.  He wanted to hang out again, but I already had plans and didn’t appreciate the three week lapse.  Plus, I had pretty much exhausted my lion knowledge.


Fast forward six months (bringing us to August 14, 2011).  He asked if I wanted to go see a movie.  This invitation was very random given that we live an hour apart and hadn’t seen each other in half a year.  Naturally, he wanted to see a movie starring animals: Planet of the Apes.  I accepted his invitation, figuring that a movie was the perfect setting since it didn’t involve us conversing.  When I met him at the theater, we very briefly chatted in the ticket line.  He said, “Don’t you have a boyfriend now?”  I said, “No. If I did, why would I be going out with you?”  He said, “Maybe as just friends.”  Weird.


The movie was great.  He walked me to my car and we chatted, mostly about apes,  for roughly ten minutes.  We then hugged and parted ways.



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One Response to “Lions and Lions and Apes….Oh My!”

  1. He is a furry in training.