What started out as a grammar nazi comment on a facebook status, turned into a lengthy political "debate." I generally refrain from these sorts of discussions because I get too fired up; however, I made an exception because I was in some kind of vicious mood yesterday. The names of the liberals have been changed […]
A comment from Princess MoMo’s friend re: MoMo’s online dating
“It pains me to see you on online dating sites. Seriously if pretty girls join them then where are average or unfortunate looking girls going to find boyfriends? Certainly not in the real world as pretty girls dominate the market there too. It just isn’t fair to them; nor to you when you have to deal […]
Annoying Facebook Messages From a Random Person Who Sucks
Facebook Unattractive Cantankerous Kid (“FUCK” for short): Hi Princess Princess MoMo: I’m not really interested in exchanging bullshit messages. If you have something substantive to write, fine. If not, don’t bother sending me two word garbage. Thanks. FUCK: Wanna say that to my face? Princess MoMo: No thanks. You’ve further proven you have nothing of substance to […]