Top Douche: You suck. I lick.. and Wtf is up with making my messesge longer an unique?
MoMo: You have made at least one false assumption in your message.
Top Douche: that was yesterday.. Wtf did I say?
Top Douche: ohyea.. I remember now.. you suck. I’m awesome.. go get cheated on cuz unless you date me youll never be happy. Pssh
MoMo: I know this may come as a shock to you, but I don’t find you appealing on any level.
Top Douche: what does appealing have to do with anything.. I don’t find you attractive either you’re just a mouth tits and ass with legs, but I still wanna fight with you.
MoMo: I’ve encountered many-a-douche on this site, but you may take the cake when it comes to douchebaggery. Congrats! Good luck with your online fight-picking. Take care.
Top Douche: thank you somuch.. I didn’t even have a speech prepared. OMG!
I’D LIKE TO THANK GOD. The biggest douch of them all.. I just couldn’t do it with out him. And my mom thank you all FOR THIS PRESTIGE AWARD OF DOICHBAGGERY
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