
People Who Stalk MoMo’s Friends

Posted by Princess MoMo on Jun 16 in Epic fails, Men, Princess MoMo's Friends

While attending a first grade parents-only event, a silly specimen made advances on Princess MoMo’s friend Vanessa via bar napkin.  Below is a picture of the vehicle of flirtation.


Mike the dreamer didn’t stop there.  Subsequent to his intro by napkin, with which Vanessa should have used to wipe her hands clean of him, he stalked her on the interwebs.  His detective work led him to her bio maintained by her place of employment.  Information on the bio includes mailing address, email address, office telephone number and fax number.  Which method of communication did Mike choose?  See picture below for the answer.



P.S. – Vanessa isn’t single.

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One Response to “People Who Stalk MoMo’s Friends”

  1. by using fax he is proving that he 1) knows how to use technology, 2) is good with his hands and 3) he’s ambitious in his work as a specimen… I see him as somewhat of a renaissance man.