Online Dating Fails: Mr. Racist

Posted by Princess MoMo on Nov 10 in Epic fails, Men, Name that HATER, Online dating

Mr. Racist: What type of perfect man is interested in a non Caucasian female anyway? Did you ever consider changing your race to attract men? If you are not of Northern, or Western European descent, how can you expect a successful man to be attracted to you. Your ancestors clearly came from a third world country, how is that attractive to anyone? Good luck pretending you are something besides third world brown skinned trash.

Mr. Racist: How can you have so much confidence when you are so ugly, have huge nose, and have dark brown skin. I have bowel movements the same color as your dirty brown skin. Nobody wants to make dark babies with a brown girl.

Princess MoMo: Thanks. I’ll take your suggestions under advisement.

Mr. Racist: Cool! One more thing, the thick hair on your head is a clear indication of idiopathic hirsutism. Don’t be afraid to check out a laser clinic. Creams, waxing, and threading are just not permanent and you may have scare the men away with the stubble on your belly and arms.


Analysis: There’s really not much analysis necessary here:  He’s a racist.  Notably, he’s a non-Caucasian unattractive racist, perhaps a self-loathing individual projecting on me. He falls into the BITCHES category of my HATERs groupings.


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One Response to “Online Dating Fails: Mr. Racist”

  1. How do people like this manage to go so long without killing themselves?