The Ancient Egyptians are rolling in their graves. I got too cocky in my dating and didn’t prescreen properly. Mr. Pharaonically Insane sent me a message with his number and I called him. We chatted for a bit and he asked if I wanted to meet up. He told me he lives in Somerset, which is 10 minutes from New Brunswick where we planned to meet (this is important for later). Note, on his dating profile, there’s only one picture and it’s an unclear headshot. That in and of itself was a warning, but I ignored it.
His opening message:
Arabic translations: “Wallah ana asif” means Swear to God, I’m sorry. “Gameela” means beautiful.
Pre-non-date text that I misconstrued as amusing rather than FUCKING CRAZY!:
He offered to pick me up. Thank the stars, the moon, the sun, and whatever else in the galaxy that I rejected that offer because had I agreed, I would have been putting the lotion in the basket for the rest of my days. I drove to New Brunswick to meet him at a place called Hotoke. I texted him announcing my arrival and stood outside Hotoke waiting. Remember, I didn’t know what this character looked like. He didn’t respond to my text, so I called him. While the phone was ringing on my end, a guy walked by me that I thought might be him. I said, “Hey.” But the guy walked right past me into Hotoke. THEN THIS HAPPENS:
Apparently, I’m the George Foreman of ice grillz. Well, you see, once I read that, my inner Moses said to me, “Let my MoMo go.” I moved my heeled feet as quickly as possible around the corner and back into my MoMo-mobile because I knew nothing good could come of this. He called me. I reluctantly answered. He begged me to come back and asked if I would just talk to him. I politely declined. Then this plague fell upon me for the next FOUR HOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
At least he can rap?
Oh, it’s very real. Real. Freakin’. Crazy.
I can’t believe there’s an ice grill
Asshats like this are responsible for all that “nice guys” self-pitying, entitled chauvinist bullshit. He had you at a disadvantage; he KNEW what you looked like, you did not have that security, so you were reluctant to greet a COMPLETE STRANGER in a parking lot because of the VERY REAL possibility of RAPE, which makes you “ice grill”?! Good on you for recognizing crazy and walking your (I’m sure fabulous) feet the fuck out of there.