
Another Slave Application

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 2 in Epic fails, Online dating

4/2/2013 8:51:17 PM
Hi. I’m john and i’d like to present You with a unique topic for the sole purpose of conversation. don’t worry… my intention draws nothing more.. hopefully You can exchange opinions with me. keep an open mind.
If a guy admitted he wanted, very badly, to be submissive for You, catering to and pampering Your every direction.. could you find a use for him…? Outside of the bedroom ofcourse, this isn’t a sexual topic.. don’t worry..
Admit Your a little curious!


4/2/2013 8:58:02 PM
I hate to break it to you as much as I hate to face it as a reality myself, but the topic you present is not unique. Evidently, these dating sites are laden with ball-less “men.” Frankly, I have no interest in nurturing or contributing to the further emasculation of an already testosterone deficient male. There’s nothing wrong with a man displaying a certain level of catering and pampering to a woman, but there’s also a time and place for a man to be, well, a man. The end.

4/2/2013 9:02:38 PM
Well.. thank you. I value hearing your opinion and are grateful to have received a response from you, and have been in your attention. I’ll crawl away now..

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One Response to “Another Slave Application”

  1. Dom Lunetta says:

    Please publish a book of these responses I see #1 best seller! Lol