Dating Advice: Girl Behind the Desk vs. Mall Girl

Posted by Princess MoMo on Sep 2 in Dating, Dating Advice, Princess MoMo's Friends

Guy: Are you available for some dating advice?

P-Mo: Yes, what’s up?

Guy: I have no problem approaching and talking to a member of the opposite sex when out at bars or concerts. My problem is girl beh

P-Mo: Please define “beh.”

Guy: Sorry. The girl behind the desk at the dentist office or the pretty girl walk in the mall. What’s the best approach?

P-Mo: Well, the differentiating factor seems to be alcohol. At a bar or concert, you’re presumably intoxicated, which lowers your inhibitions, thereby making it easier for you to “holla at” female specimens. The girl behind the desk vs. the girl in the mall present two distinct scenarios/approaches. The girl behind the desk is a bit easier to spit game to because you already have a legitimate reason to initiate dialogue, i.e., you’re there for an appointment, so you have to talk to her to let her know who you are and why you’re there, etc. In that case, you need to lay down the charm and charisma. Smile and ramp up the friendliness. Compliment her. Females are suckers for compliments. For example, you can fool her with flattery by telling her you love her necklace or shirt or whatever other material/superficial nonsense. I can pretty much guarantee that she’ll give you a big smile and thanks in return. (Note: Before proceeding with this, you should obviously first inspect if she is wearing an engagement or a wedding ring.) Once she’s all smiles, you step in with the, “So what are you doing on Friday night?” You may get shot down, so be prepared, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The pretty girl walking in the mall is a tougher sell. You have no pre-existing legitimate reason to approach her. She’s minding her business, trying to satisfy her retail needs. A random guy approaching in such a situation is often perceived as an annoyance (unless the girl is insecure, in which case attention is always welcomed). I wouldn’t suggest approaching the mall girl until you’ve mastered the behind the desk girl. The mall girl is achievable once you’re at expert level, not novice or moderate level.

Guy: Ok, so I have already been to the dentist where this girl is employed. Believe it or not I did exactly what you just said. Super friendly,I complemented her on how nice she was to me on the phone, and no ring. She got a good idea of my personality when she heard me laughing and joking with other patients whom i never even met. I did however fail to throw in the part about the weekend. My dilemma now is I have no reason to go back since this dentist is not my primary one. Do I call her? If so, what do I say? Please advise.

Thank you. You can bill me for your services! ;-)

Guy: Also, in the event of being shot down, what is the best way to handle and respond to the awkward and uncomfortable scenario?

P-Mo: At this stage, it really depends on your and her personality. My instinct says that most female specimens would be flattered if you followed up. Many male specimens these days lack balls. They’ll act interested, but fail to seal the deal. Women don’t like that, because stereotypical gender roles (which will continue to exist despite the feminist agenda) dictate that men should make the first move in terms of asking her out. So, you already fucked up because you should have put in the deal closing move during the first encounter. The good news is that you can still recover. And, in fact, you may be able to make a very smooth recovery which could put you in a better position than you may have been in initially. You could call her and say, “Hey, I met you on [date] when I came in for my semi-annual oral kingdom cleaning, and I just felt compelled to follow up with you.” Note, again, the chance of being rejected. She may have no recollection of you. Don’t take that personally. Alternatively, if the office is in close proximity to you, you could drop by for a visit. F2F (face-to-face) allows you to better gauge her body language. Bringing a small thing, like a rose, will earn you extra points. Most, like 99% of guys, fail to do things like that anymore, so the 1% who do gain a huge competitive advantage.

Guy: Cool. She’ll definitely remember me. I guess I will give her a call or stop in. I would have thought a rose or something would be a bit much but I trust your judgement. I will be sure to provide you with a progress report.

P-Mo: It is “a bit much,” but that’s what give you the competitive advantage. Like I said, very few guys do those sorts of things any more. You’ll stand out. She’ll say to her friends, “OMG, this guy brought a rose to my office today. Isn’t that so sweet?”

Guy: Well thank you taking the time to respond to, and offer advice to someone you don’t really know all that well. I love reading your posts and blogs. They are hilarious. So sad though!

I like your new pic by the way!

P-Mo: Thanks. I can’t wait to hear about your progress report!

Guy: So what are you doing tomorrow night?

Haha! I’m a quick learner! I may through some more scenarios at you sometime. Goodnight!

P-Mo:  Very smooth. I’m telling you, my advice is so good, it even works on me! In terms of how to handle the potential rejection, the best thing to do is to say something like, “Thanks, I had to try…you were worth it.” That way, you go out with integrity and she will stay thinking about you.

Guy: In all seriousness you really do give good advice. I will talk to you soon. Thanks again!

P-Mo: You’re welcome. Best of luck!

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4 Responses to “Dating Advice: Girl Behind the Desk vs. Mall Girl”

  1. no one can accuse you of being mean.

  2. You gave solid, encouraging advice and you didn’t belittle this guy. I felt genuine human empathy coming from you while reading that blog entry. Bravo! (plus, I gained some knowledge!) Some of your other blog entries, while extremely entertaining, paint you as being somewhat of a curmudgeon.

  3. It’s all about context. The advice seeker in this case is a nice guy who has never irritated me. Therefore, he is undeserving of anything other than niceness. The same cannot be said for many of the other individuals about whom I post. There’s also, like you mentioned, the entertainment factor. If I constantly posted entries about the nice things I say to and do for people, no one would be amused.