
“Dear Fat People” Response

Posted by Princess MoMo on Sep 12 in Current Events, Facebook, Miscellaneous, MoMo's mind, MoMo's Musings

My two cents on the “Dear Fat People” video:

1. It wasn’t funny, but not because of the subject matter. It just wasn’t funny. I haven’t watched anything of hers that I found funny. She’s annoying and her videos make me feel epileptic.

2. This “I’m so offended, boy who cried bullying” epidemic needs to be eradicated. Grow the fuck up. So what if she makes fun of fat people? That’s her opinion. So what? If that impacts your self esteem, then you have a problem that you need to work on irrespective of her. You shouldn’t need her validation or that of any other stranger on your own body. No one will be liked by 100% of people. If you don’t like her video, you could have done what I did and turned it off are 30 seconds when you realized it was a waste of time to watch.

3. If body image is your biggest issue in life and it’s depressing you, move to Syria or somewhere where there’s real turmoil and people don’t have the luxury of creating superficial things like body image with which to plague their minds. We may not have the best body, but we likely have something else of value to offer the world — like maybe a brain, creativity, artistic ability, etc. It blows my mind that we now have commercials with “not skinny” (or whatever the PC phraseology is) scantily clad women to encourage different female forms. Why isn’t there a commercial with women succeeding in other arenas to encourage something other than physical appearance? Or, why isn’t there a commercial with “not skinny” men to validate six-pack-less men? Oh, that’s right; because men’s physique doesn’t define them as people.

4. Groups like the KKK are allowed to exist and express their hateful opinions because of the First Amendment. That does not mean the government or general population endorses their opinions. Likewise, others are allowed to express their opinions, even if you find them hateful.

There’s more, but halfway into number 5, I realized I was approaching three cents, when I only promised two.

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