Online Dating Fails: Great Conversationalist

Posted by Princess MoMo on Dec 29 in Dating Advice, Epic fails, Men, Online dating

Specimen: Hi, how are you, Im Randy nice to meet you, just came across your profile and I think you look great on your pictures, Im very easy going and def. I can hold a good conversation, so it would be nice if we could get to know each other, even if it means just as friends :)… So if I may ask, how was your weekend :)


Analysis:  Oh, he can hold a good conversation? I couldn’t tell.  FYI – “How was your weekend,” is a very unoriginal “conversation starter” on a dating site.  It is also uninviting of response because why would I want to detail my weekend to someone I don’t even know?  The trick to an opening message on a dating site is differentiating your message from the next guy’s.  How can you do that?  For starters, read the girl’s profile and write a message based on something she wrote.


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2 Responses to “Online Dating Fails: Great Conversationalist”

  1. CTS says:

    Another guy who “just wants to be friends” on a dating site…interesting ploy.

  2. Was that “randy” in the Austin Powers sense?