Online Dating Fails: Mr. Perfect

Posted by Princess MoMo on Sep 28 in Epic fails, Men, Online dating


8/28/2011 6:41:34 AM

Mr. Perfect: hello how are you doing, we never met i was checking my email and saw your pic. i think u r attractive…i would like to get to kno u :) I personally think i would be perfect for u :)

9/4/2011 2:17:18 PM

Mr. Perfect: hello how are you doing, we never met i was checking my email and saw your pic. i think u r attractive…i would like to get to kno u :) I personally think I’m perfect for u.

9/19/2011 4:00:41 PM

Mr. Perfect: hey how is your day going, we never met i was checking my email and saw your pic…i read your page i think we have somethings in common and i am interested in getting to kno u lets talk closing this pof account bu i would like to get to kno u…my number..267-REDACTED…whats yours? i can call u sometime


Analysis: I did not think he would be perfect for me.  He wrote nothing to convince me otherwise.

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One Response to “Online Dating Fails: Mr. Perfect”

  1. I picture this guy in some ridiculously expensive villa on his own island… crying his eyeballs out lol