
Online Dating: Positive Feedback

Posted by Princess MoMo on Dec 31 in Men, Online dating

Specimen: Ok first thing first, yes you are gorgeous, no I’m not interested in hooking up, i just had to message you though and tell you that your profile is priceless, loved reading it and think more women should be that secure about themselves and what they want out of live and a man. I would have to say that the ” Me, inc. ” is one I the best parts.

Princess MoMo: Thank you. I appreciate the positive feedback :)

Specimen: It’s not a problem.I love looking at the site at people’s profiles and seeing what they say, and I have to say that your profile is by far the best.

Princess MoMo: check out my blog. www.princessmomo.com

Specimen: If its more stuff like your profile, then I absolutely will.

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One Response to “Online Dating: Positive Feedback”

  1. Specimen? I thought that was limited to someone you were possibly going to out with… ;-)