Response to Libyan Scammer “Rogers Stuart” – Part I

Posted by Princess MoMo on Feb 8 in Libyan Scammer, MoMo's Musings

—–Original Message—–
From: Rogers Stuart
Sent: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 3:22 pm
Subject: Hi

Dear Friend.

I saw your profile and I decided to reveal this secret to you, I am Rogers
Stuart, personal air pilot to the late Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Before a
revolt pushed him out from power in August 2011, he trusted me and
instructed me to purchase ammunition from his Russia business man with
some funds, this funds was originally deposited in a secret finance house.
I came to London here in preparation of going to Russia suddenly I saw a
breaking news at CNN that he was captured and killed immediately, right
now I am the only one who knows about this fund. I have served this man
for 6 years, I would have been also dead if it was not that he sent me to
go for this mission. Sending me out of Libya to go and purchase ammunition
saved my life. I want to transfer the funds to your country and invest it
in any business that can generate annual income.
I want you to work with me and receive the funds in your country, I am
also very lucky that my dealings with him is top priority secret because
no one know about the funds. You are the only person am revealing this
secret to, so you have to keep it between me and you.
As a Canadian I have access to invest this money in my country but since
everybody knew I was the personal Pilot to him, the world might raise Eye
Brow if should I single handedly withdraw and invest this whole money
because its too huge for a single individual like me hence my contacting
I will tell you how much is involved as soon as I get your reply, I need
your immediate reply now.


I am Waiting for your urgent reply.
Rogers Stuart.

Rogers Stuart-
Goodness, gracious, me oh my!! I just couldn’t believe my eyes the first time I read your email. So, I read it again and then again and then again. My goodness. I’m just trying to catch my breath. I feel so privileged that you’ve decided to share your deep, dark secret with me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul, not even my mother. It is quite a miracle that you were able to avert a death sentence because Brother Leader Gaddafi sent you on that mission. I’m sorry that you had to hear about his demise on the news, especially on CNN. That must have been heartbreaking, but at the same time relieving considering you were out of harm’s way. Why were you watching CNN anyhow? I’m more of a FOX News girl. Anyway, let me say that I am unequivocally willing to help you. How much is involved and what steps would you like me to take in assisting you?
Finally, I just want to tell you that normally, I wouldn’t agree to do this sort of thing, but I feel as though it is fate that you wrote to me. When I was in elementary school, I read a book titled Stuart Little. Are you familiar with that book? If not, here’s a brief summary: The main character in that book is, of course, Stuart Little. Now, you may be imagining Stuart Little to be a human being. But, he is not. Stuart Little is a mouse. Yes, a mouse. He is no ordinary mouse, though. He talks. Yes, you read that correctly. Stuart Little is a talking mouse. I probably should have mentioned that the book is a work of fiction. I don’t know about you, but I have yet to stumble upon a talking mouse. You sound more traveled and experienced than I, so perhaps you’ve had the pleasure of conversing with a mouse. If you have, please tell me all about it! Oddly enough, Stuart Little was born as the second son of a human family! Can you imagine? You’d think the Stuart family would notice and wonder how they ended up with a mouse son instead of a human one, but again, it’s a fictional work. The author did not intend for us to scrutinize the details in this manner. Come to think of it, that’s probably why it’s categorized as a children’s book; children may be less likely to get stuck on the fact that humans had a mouse son. What is kind of problematic is that the Stuart family has a cat. As I’m sure you know, cats are natural predators to mice. Inevitably, conflict arises between Stuart Little and the family cat. Maybe I’m giving away too much of the plot line. I don’t want to ruin this wonderful book for you, so I’ll stop there. But, my point, albeit belabored, was that you writing to me seemed like fate because your last name is Stuart and my favorite character in the history of characters has the same name (even though his is a first name)!! In the book, Stuart Little was depicted as an adventurous mouse and here you are going on missions!! It’s almost like you’re the human version of Stuart Little. Long story short, I AM AT YOUR SERVICE!!! Should I call you Captain Stuart?

comments: 2 »

2 Responses to “Response to Libyan Scammer “Rogers Stuart” – Part I”

  1. Dom Lunetta says:

    Haha they all should be scarred of you! Lol

  2. I am sitting in the airport crying with laughter! Thank you!