
The Subject of my Amorous Feelings

Posted by Princess MoMo on May 18 in Adventures of Princess MoMo, MoMo's Musings

The proverbial “they” say love finds us when we least expect it.  That is precisely what happened to me today.


On my way home from work, I planned on stopping at the liquor store to pick up some red wine.  As I battled through standard New Jersey traffic, the remnants of my nerves deteriorated.  Finally, I pulled into the familiar parking lot.  I stepped out of my car completely unexpecting (yes, I went ahead and made up that word) of what I was about to see.


My standard operating procedure upon entering the liquor store is to veer left and then right to acquire wine.  But, before I could make the left, something caught my eye.  There was man there distributing wine samples.  Normally, this wouldn’t phase me.  There are often men there with wine samples.  BUT, this was not just any man — this was a man with chocolate flavored wine sample.  Yes, CHOCOLATE FLAVORED WINE! CHOCOLATE FLAVORED WINE! Are you grasping the severity of awesomeness?


I approached the man and said, “You’ve combined two of the best things in the world.”  Then  I noticed there was mint involved.  I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about the extra flavor thrown in there.  Upon further inspection, I noticed he had unminted (yes, I made up that word too) chocolate wine.  I asked him for a taste and he said, “You won’t be disappointed.”  I responded, “I’ve heard that before.”  He laughed and handed me a plastic sample cup of pure deliciousness.  My oral kingdom delighted in this new found treat.  Naturally, I forsook the red wine in favor of my latest favorite drink.



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3 Responses to “The Subject of my Amorous Feelings”

  1. can’t be a pimp forever, MoMo

  2. But the pimp hand is so strong….