Flannel Should Have Been a Blowjob

Posted by Princess MoMo on Sep 13 in Facebook, Flannel SUCKS!, Princess MoMo's Friends

Male Friend (re: MoMo’s Zebra print Onesies): the PJs are ok. i can’t say i like them because you make fun of plaid shirts and i have a few.

Princess MoMo: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say it ain’t so!!!!

Friend: get out of here.

Princess MoMo: Stop fucking playing. You need to dispose of those shirts ASAP. It’s for your own good.

Friend: negative.
you would not disapprove.

Princess MoMo: Explain to me the appeal.

Friend: you probably have the wrong image in your head.
my style is perfectly fine, and i have many plaid shirts.

Princess MoMo: I have yet to see someone (male or female) not of the farmer variety successfully rocking plaid.

Friend: sorry to hear that.
the problem with the people that you’ve seen, is that they don’t have their own style.
they go to the store, buy some douchey shirt that doesnt fit their douchey jeans and douchey shoes or douchey personalities. catch the keyword?

Princess MoMo: So how do you de-douche-ify the plaid shirt?

Friend: haha. can’t explain. it just happens.
i have unhappily been hit on by way too many males in the past year. it’s terrible.
some of those times have been when i was wearing plaid.

Princess MoMo: So, maybe you should heed my advice and trash the plaid shirts in an effort to attract the finer gender.

Friend: good point, but the girls like it too.
unfortunately, the female population of ohio is terrible.

Princess MoMo: And the Ohio females are likely more prone to dig the farmer Joe look.

Friend: negative.
that’s the problem.
the true midwest states are so clueless that they are allowed to not have any style.

Princess MoMo: No. The problem is that you’re wearing flannel shirts.

Friend: ohio is stuck between the farms and the coast. so basically they are 5-10 years behind.

Princess MoMo: Is Ohio a true midwest state, or not?

Friend:well, it’s considered midwest, but they suck.
vondutch hats just came out
you guys will have flying cars before we get ed hardy here 

you guys will have flying cars before we get ed hardy here

Princess MoMo: Do you like female flannel shirts?

Friend: yep. tight ones with tight jeans.

Princess MoMo: I see. Ohio hasn’t yet experienced the bedazzling.

Friend: couple of tattoos down the arm

Princess MoMo: Flannel should have been a blow job, i.e., it should have never been conceived. 

Flannel should have been a blow job, i.e., it should have never been conceived.

Friend: take that back, the blow job part at least.
anyway, drake’s got 2 new tracks out.
free spirit and club paradise

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One Response to “Flannel Should Have Been a Blowjob”

  1. ahh, good ‘ol blow job joke. That one never gets old, no matter the context… still looking for that airplane blog entry [scrolling down]