Online Dating: Does size matter?

Posted by Princess MoMo on Jul 28 in Men, Online dating


Specimen:  I must say, I absolutely loved the way you wrote your profile! I fit the job description nearly 100%… but alas, I do not meet the height requirements. I am wondering if you would still accept my resume for consideration? I feel as though I could be a valuable asset to your company. :)




PRINCESS MOMO:  Thank you Matt. :) As much as I would like height not to be a barrier to entry, it is. I'm sure you're a great guy and a great catch though.


SPECIMEN: Oh I am! :) would it make a difference if I told you I look good in platform shoes? :D


PRINCESS MOMO: Not unless you plan on wearing them all of the time. The thing is that I'm 5'6" and I love heels. So if I throw on a pair of 4 inch heels, that would make me 3 inches taller than you. To some, that may not matter. For better or for worse, I'm not one of those some.


SPECIMEN: Well then.. I guess i would have to get use to wearing platform shoes all the time :D … I mean, after all… how could I say no to the princess! :)


PRINCESS MOMO: How many inches?


SPECIMEN: I'm guessing at least three.


PRINCESS MOMO: Wouldn't it be easier for you to find a shorter girl?


SPECIMEN: Easy is never worth it.


SPECIMEN: I have a feeling you ARE worth it. :)


PRINCESS MOMO: Based on what?


SPECIMEN: The way you wrote your profile, how you describe yourself, your sense of humor… the values that it appears you have…. anyway.. I didn't join this site just to meet somebody. That's easy. Finding the right somebody.. now that hard. Now, I don't know you… but i would sure like the chance to get to. :)

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