Someone’s failed attempt to make it to my house

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 19 in Miscellaneous

Well! M! I just walked into my parents house…..Spent the last 6 hours driving- trying to find your place. Just when my phone started to beep and die, as I passed the blurry (I can’t see at night, even with my glasses) ‘We Sell Eggs’ sign, I decided it was time to give up. It was a defeating experience, in the least. But, on the bright side of things, I learned a very important lesson; Don’t leave without a GPS and NEVER trust google maps. I was hoping to see you, give you some office decor, and catch up. But, I did see God’s land (aka your neighborhood) and I’m fairly certain I saw wild animals. Sorry I’m a loser and couldn’t find your house. If you ever invite me again, I will leave 4 hours earlier, pack my glasses, a trunk full of maps, a GPS, a charger for my phone, a flashlight for the pitch black streets, and a compass. In the meantime, I will send some office decor to your country home, in the middle of nowhere. Please tell your mom, thanks for trying, but I am beyond help. -L

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