The 3-Day Rule

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 6 in Dating, Men

Evidently there's this unwritten 3-day rule, a rule which much is written about, and a rule with which many of you are familar.  For the unfamiliar ones, this rule boils down to this: After going on a first date, a man should wait 3 days before making contact with the woman.  This rule is ineffective, counterintuitive and downright stupid.

You see, while men may need to "miss" a woman to realize her true value, women do not necessarily require the same absence to form an emotional something-or-other to/with a man.  Women enjoy frequent contact and they interpret said contact as a signal that a man is interested.

A woman will react to the application of the 3-day rule in one of four ways.

1. She loses interest, or at a minimum, her interest fades.

If she had a fabulous time on a date and then radio silence for three days, you know what she's thinking? "Well, I guess he didn't enjoy it."  "His judgment is compromised if he didn't realize how awesome I am." "I guess we're not compatible." "Fuck him."  So, when Captain Just Intentionally Mind-fucking ("JIM" for short) contacts her three days later, rather than building on the foundation that they had begun building on the seemingly fabulous first date, JIM is starting from scratch and having to regain her trust and confidence in him.

2. She's relieved he didn't contact her, and then disappointed that he resurfaced three days later.

If she perceived the date or the guy as sub par, or even worse, garbage, she will be thrilled that the garbageman either felt the same way or realizes that she's so much more awesome than him and decided not to pursue any further interactions. It's all good UNTIL the 3-day rule rears its ugly head and he contacts her.  She's just barely erased the potentially scarring date from her mind when lo and behold, there's an incoming text or call from Captain Sucks At Life ("SAL" for short).  SAL gives women false hope. These women are counting their blessing when they assume that SAL isn't a persistent motherfucker, but guess what? SAL is a persistent motherfucker, he's just one that waits 3 days to exhibit his stalker behavior.  So basically, her quest to attain a restraining order has been delayed by 3 days.

3. She's neutral because she doesn't give a fuck either way.

She's stuck on a date with Captain Average Dull And Mundane ("ADAM" for short).  ADAM bores her to tears, but isn't a terrible human being.  At the end of the date, out of the goodness of her heart, she decides that she may give ADAM a second chance so that she can better gauge whether he's completely devoid of entertainment value or whether he was just having an off night.  But then, ADAM doesn't contact her for three days.  She feels silly for even having considered giving him a second chance to waste her life after his time thievery and now, the second chance offer is off the table. Way to go ADAM.


4. She's relieved he contacted her, but wonders what took so long. The seed of insecurity is planted and the harvest will yield poison ivy.

She's on a date with perhaps the worst male of them all: Captain Devil in Camouflage Khakis ("DICK" for short).  DICK is much like JIM, except that DICK is more desirable than JIM.  JIM provided a good time, but the demand for JIM is more elastic than the demand for DICK.  Every woman wants DICK.  With knowledge of his inelasticity, DICK takes advantage of the 3-day rule and sometimes even extends it. MESSAGE TO DICK: DICK, while you may be enticing at first, women can find substitutes for you! So while DICK may feel good at the time and may seem necessary, the cost of DICK may exceed its value.  BEWARE OF DICK.

Conclusion: The 3-day rule sucks regardless of whether applied by JIM, SAL, ADAM, DICK, or any combination thereof.

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2 Responses to “The 3-Day Rule”

  1. shifty says:

    A M E N! Guys beware the female equivalents: AMBER -> Another Manipulative Bitchy Egotistical wReck, ISABEL -> I Suck At ‘Bout Everything in Life, KIM -> Kinesthetically-challenged Insipidly Monotonous, and SAMANTHA -> Satan Amorously Masquerading About Nightly To Hunt Another.