Online Dating: Small World – Cross-Website Recognition

Posted by Princess MoMo on Apr 24 in Men, Online dating

Guy: im sorry to ask ..i know this girl from highschool that just started dating a guy that( i have elephant memory so dont thing im weird) do u know a guy named [redacted]? cause im pretty sure you are in some of his facebook pics? if not sorry i asked and enjoy your holiday ..i was just wondering

Princess: Have we corresponded before? I know you’ve written to me because I remember your username, but did I respond? Yes, I do know [redacted].

Guy: actually you didnt respond i think i was too worried about my grammar maybe i didnt hit send !! haha..ok wow i should do something about my memory..yea we just met thru a freind..well i guess his girlfreind now..good dude..he told me he was going to set me up with someone he hoping its you !! haha

Princess: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Guy: haha dont worry i wont

Guy: have a nice easter..if you wanna chat sometime ..let me know

Princess: Thank you. You have a nice Easter as well.

Guy: By the way your (not you’re) profile should be framed. Probably one of the most detailed profiles I’ve (not I) ever seen. You’re (not your) probably really good at what you do.

I hope there (not their) was no fragements or anything in this message that drives you insane..i mean we’re (not where) celebrating a rabbit today !!

Princess: So if you’re capable of writing properly, why do you refrain from doing so? Or did you have someone draft that  message for you?

Guy: haha very’re are funny one ! i don’t or ( or is it nor) read books by their covers ..i’m learning that i can be appreciated for who (or whom) i am and i will treat my future wifey the same..see i can go either way ..but i don’t see anything wrong at all with wanting what you want..god bless ..all good ..have fun ..and find a peaceful man are an absolute knock and i’m sure you will find your fit..all im saying is give everyone a chance

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