Valentine’s Day with MoMo Part I (Mr. Lambo’s Version)

Posted by Princess MoMo on Feb 15 in Dating, Men, Online dating

Last week I asked Princess to accompany me on Valentine’s Day for an evening out. Of course, she couldn’t resist. Since it was a week night we agreed to meet in her area. As previously stated, many times before, there isn’t much going on in her town. Prior to our meeting that night, I made a list of restaurants that received great reviews over an extended period of time. My plan was to go to each of them earlier in the day to determine which place we would dine at later that evening. Princess felt a hint of guilt and decided to inform me of an App that would assist me in finding a restaurant.


The day started off easy. First I picked up the dozen roses with baby’s breath that I ordered last week. Next, it was off to get a cute teddy bear, which I sprayed with the cologne I wore on our third date. Afterward, I stopped by and got her chocolates, even though I knew she wasn’t a fan of them. Lastly, I washed the vehicle, got showered and changed, and headed to her location. Knowing this was going to be a time consuming project, I took some snacks to munch on and an extra outfit so I could get fresh later. I arrived in her area around 3pm (4 hours before she would get home from work.) Now the adventure begins.


I previously mapped out every restaurant I was considering from a central point in town I knew well. I started with those with the best rating and pictures and continued to go place by place down the list. After over an hour of research, I selected the one that was recommended the most, Matt’s Red Rooster.


I called to check on the status of Princess around 6pm. She informed me that she was just leaving her place of employment and would be ready shortly after 7pm. I told her that I was able to get a reservation at Matt’s Red Rooster, but she never heard of the place before. At this point I was hoping I didn’t make a mistake with my selection. I headed to the local Wine & Spirits and picked up a bottle of red wine to take with us.


At 7:30pm I received a text from Princess notifying me that she was ready to be picked up. I drove to her domicile and waited for her patiently. Her exit out the door was like a scene from a movie. As her house door opened, it began to rain slowly. She put up her jacket hood, completely covering her head down to her eyes. Princess is breath-taking. It’s times like this that I realize how fortunate I am to be there with her. She strutted to the car, greeted me with a hug and got in. We exchanged gifts and proceeded to the restaurant. After a short drive we arrived, parked and exited the vehicle.


To be continued…

What do you think about this?  Comment below.


Related Posts:

Click here for the initial online dating site exchange with Mr. Lambo.
Click here for Part I of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part II of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part III of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part I of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part II of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the second date.
Click here for Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the second date.
Click here for Part I of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for  Part I of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for Part II of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for  Part II of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for a picture of Mr. Lambo’s Lambo.
Click here for Mr. Lambo Update (MoMo’s Version)
Click here for Mr. Lambo Update by Mr. Lambo.
Click here for Another post about Mr. Lambo (by Mr. Lambo)
Click here for Mr. Lambo – Date Planning (or lack thereof)




Your “likes” and comments are encouraged and appreciated.  Thanks.


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3 Responses to “Valentine’s Day with MoMo Part I (Mr. Lambo’s Version)”

  1. Jon Sobray says:

    Dude is this guy serious? You should start calling him Mr “Lame-Bo” who checks out 6 different places beforehand, liar, and then chooses Jimmy’s Chicken Shack??? Who also sprays a bear with cologne? I am pretty sure there are laws against that in most states. This just sounds like a bad episode of Jersey shore meets I am a complete and utter clownshoe… I will only refer to this guys as Mr. Douche-Bo moving forward…

  2. I must say, I appreciate his effort. I thought he was lame for checking out the spots but I now understand. Reviews aren’t always on point. This spells EFFORT. Nice

  3. Gee Street says:

    Have you gotten a ride yet?
    If not, can we please refer to this person as Mr. Talks?