Ten days after we’d parted ways, I relapsed (Feb. 26). It was a week after Brandon Singer had abruptly ditched his wedding date duties. I was lying in bed and felt the sudden urge to call Mr. Lambo. So I did.
He answered. We spoke for about an hour and then resumed our routine of talking every morning and night. A few days later, I disclosed my encounter with Mr. Hipster. (I hadn’t posted that part of the story on the blog yet because I’m not retarded; I wanted to tell Mr. Lambo about it before he read it.) The release of this information was a game changer. Understandably, Mr. Lambo was upset that I met a random specimen at a wedding just days after we discontinued talking. Right after telling him, it dawned on me that honesty is not always the best policy. It was the first time in my life that I felt that way. Other than getting it off of my chest, no one gained anything from my confession. The result was that Mr. Lambo felt like shit and I felt guilty even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. Here are some of the texts exchanged after my admission:
Princess MoMo: It really isn’t a reflection of my feelings toward you.
Im sorry I mentioned it.Mr. Lambo: Remember when I told ya I felt like I wasn’t good enough for you? Well now I really believe it’s true
Thx for being honestPrincess MoMo: I don’t really have anything to say to make it suck less. Just know that I did miss you and it wasn’t meant to “be better than” you.
If you don’t feel comfortable talking to me anymore, I understand.Mr. Lambo: I don’t wanna stop talking to u.
The next day, shit got heavy. He told me that he wanted to be with me, but that I needed to figure out what I wanted. After that conversation, the following text exchange transpired:
Princess MoMo: What if I don’t know what I want? And there are a lot of contingencies.
Mr. Lambo: What contingencies?
Princess MoMo: This is best discussed orally vs text
Mr. Lambo: Can u give me an example
Princess MoMo: Eg – where you want to live. If you plan on moving to nc, that strongly decreases my interest in a LT relationship w u
Mr. Lambo: Why did you call me after not talking for 10 days? These are the same issues you had before
Princess MoMo: Because I hadn’t stopped thinking about you and I missed you.
Mr. Lambo: Ok. Well we can talk tonight and figure this out
That night we talked. We addressed the fact that none of the circumstances that had led to us parting had changed. So, yet again, we said our good byes. As is his custom, Mr. Lambo couldn’t leave the good bye at that. He had to have a last tug at my emotional strings. He texted.
Mr. Lambo: I hope you realize how much I am going to miss you <3
Princess MoMo: I am probably going to call you soon
Mr. Lambo: Why?
Princess MoMo: So that I don’t miss you
Mr. Lambo: Regardless how much we’d talk, I’ll always miss you
Princess MoMo: Why do you do this?
Mr. Lambo: Because I’m hurting and idk how to deal with it
At that point, I put my device away and distracted myself with something else. Less than 30 minutes later, I picked up my device (my device is on silent all of the time because I cannot stand its sound-making). I had three missed calls and several texts from him. The texts read, “Wtf” and “I’m picking you up Friday.”
In standard stupid girl form, I called him. I really wanted to see him. And see him, I did. I’ll write about that at a later time because I’m tired now. I realize that this is a more than a month late and I’m a shitty blogger now, but most of you are shitty readers who don’t “like” or comment on my posts so I don’t feel bad about depriving you of up-to-date date stories! (That’s my not-so-subtle way of urging you to “like,” comment, and share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Related Posts:
Click here for the initial online dating site exchange with Mr. Lambo.
Click here for Part I of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part II of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part III of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part I of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Part II of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the first date.
Click here for Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the second date.
Click here for Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the second date.
Click here for Part I of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for Part I of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for Part II of Mr. Lambo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for Part II of Princess MoMo’s rendition of the facts of the third date.
Click here for a picture of Mr. Lambo’s Lambo.
Click here for Mr. Lambo Update (MoMo’s Version)
Click here for Mr. Lambo Update by Mr. Lambo.
Click here for Another post about Mr. Lambo (by Mr. Lambo)
Click here for Mr. Lambo – Date Planning (or lack thereof)
Click here for Valentine’s Day with MoMo Part I (Mr. Lambo’s Version)
Click here for Valentine’s Day with MoMo Part II (Mr. Lambo’s Version)
Click here for Valentine’s Day with Mr. Lambo (MoMo’s Version)
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part I
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part II
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part III
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part IV
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part V
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part VI
Click here for I Hate Brandon Singer Part VII
Maybe, Mr. Lambo is your destiny.